The overall objective of this post is to provide leadership, governance and strategic direction to the Trustees of Liverpool Biennial and to support the Director in their role.​ ​


The Chair leads the Board of Trustee Directors of the charitable company and is senior spokesperson and lead ambassador for Liverpool Biennial.

  • Maintains a high profile and takes a leading role in the public representation of, and advocacy for, Liverpool Biennial
  • Ensures that the Board functions effectively
  • Ensures that the Trustees undertake their responsibilities diligently
  • Ensures that Liverpool Biennial meets its strategic aims
  • Advises, supports and line manages the Director.

The Board

  • Provides entrepreneurial leadership within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enable risk to be assessed and managed
  • Sets the Liverpool Biennial’s strategic aims, with the Executive and ensures that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the Company to meet its objectives, and review management performance
  • Sets the Liverpool Biennial’s values and standards and ensures that its obligations to its shareholders and others are understood and met.

The Trustees ​

  • Constructively contribute to the overall strategic direction, policy, objectives, and targets
  • Take an active role in the preparation and approval of the business plan, ensuring progress against key performance indicators
  • Observe the Liverpool Biennial Board’s articles of association, charity and company law and other regulatory requirements
  • Ensure that Liverpool Biennial complies with relevant statutory legislation and current best practice in the not-for-profit sector
  • To support and guide our activities by attending/chairing Board meetings, committee meetings and working groups, and by attending other relevant events
  • Participate in the Liverpool Biennial Board’s various sub-committees
  • To appoint the Director and to approve the remuneration of the team
  • To adopt, monitor and comply with the Liverpool Biennial’s Diversity & Inclusion and Environment * Sustainability policies and Code of Conduct ensuring their implementation
  • Ensure that Biennial operations are evaluated effectively
  • Safeguard the Biennial’s financial stability, including approval of the annual accounts, ensuring that adequate resources exist to delivery our current and future activities
  • Ensure prudent financial management in accordance with our charitable aims
  • Approve the biennial budget and advise on major resource issues
  • To act as ambassadors for Liverpool Biennial’s activities and to network on its behalf
  • To review the main risks and to see that appropriate measures to eliminate them or to minimize their impact are adopted.


Qualities and Experiences

We are seeking inspiring and engaged individual(s) who will share our values, ensure best practice across the organisation’s activities and contribute to continuing to raise our profile locally, nationally and internationally, to develop our activities ensuring great and longer lasting impact, and to lead our strong Board of committed and proactive trustees and brilliant team of staff.

We are particularly interested in people with the following experience:

  • Previous experience of a Board and an understanding of good governance in business, the public or not-for profit sector and the duties and responsibilities of trustees.
  • Experience of leading an organisation through significant change against a background of financial challenge and sector unpredictability
  • Strategic vision, creative thinking, independent judgement and ability to focus on practical issues
  • International, national, local profile
  • Passion for the visual arts and the power of art to transform lives
  • A willingness to play an active role in fundraising
  • An understanding of the financial drivers at play in arts organisations
  • A connection to the city of Liverpool or the wider city region
  • Diverse professional networks which will support our organisational objectives
  • An understanding of and commitment to Liverpool Biennial
  • A desire to work in the best interests of Liverpool Biennial, without regard to personal interest or benefit
  • Objectivity, fairness, integrity, wisdom, discretion and good judgment
  • No significant conflicts of interest.


Click below to download the Information Pack​